Wednesday, September 06, 2006

too much is no good

okay my Mp3 is down so i can't record a new song *awwwsss* but anyways i'm going to let u ppl listen to this song that i've been listening to recently. its called "stars" by switchfoot not sure if many of you guys haveheard this one. brilliant song.

now people....i've been busy know? i've no idea what i'm busy with as well. sometimes i'd like to THINK that i'm busy. cuz now u are the SUPERTAR and everything.

but if u take time and actually think about stuff. i'd actually come to realize that I AM NOT BUSY AFTER ALL. chimology i know.

jack had a terrible run in with death. sad really.

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i think at the end of the day. i'd rather not be busy. humans like to think their busy when all they are actually doing is going around all day pretending to be busy. they see thier mums do it, their dads, everyone is doing it. until it comes to a point where.....its natural to be just ...busy, when in fact, ur not. the KAN CHOING mentally is fillin up this whole world. its evident everywhere! like have u seen the number of signs they put up in singapore? i can bet most of them dun need to be there in the first place but somehow PEOPLE(not government) decided that ...oh well we've got money to spend so WHY NOT?!?!?

why yes? have u ever thought of that? why must u do it? why can't u just. relax?

and whats with all these shortforms? like everything must be SHORT nowadays. even i get caught up in the mix. wen we type we type lik tis so its shorter n ezer to type and save time. ppl coming up with these short forms like wth btw wtf stfu knn 2pid tis is 4 u lol rofl lmao isa ad as das da wd wa fgrw g teh yj iyki lu and so on.

everything is about RESULTS, RESULTS RESULTS nowadays. have u tried giving tuition to girls? i have, and i tell u i HATE to teach girls maths. why? cuz they miss the whole point of maths!!! maths is not about getting answers and and scoring 1000000 marks. nope its the fun of figuring out the answer and trying to solve the problem. i even had a lecturer going to the extend of saying "math is sexy". BUT THEN EDUCATION SPOILS IT. its so result orientated tat people just dun care about how u get the answers anymore.....its about the answer itself. dun believe me? just look back at ur PAST education. how much of it do u actually remember?

but there's no doubt education is important. no doubt. it builds us on the inside. make us smart and civilized and hardworking peaceloving salary waiting billpaying complaining mindless sheeps that they can control. then again is it really good? my conclusion? too much of everything is no good.

too much of good
too much of busying(yes norman says there is a word)...nope no good.
too much of also no good.
too much of gay.....maybe is good. HAHA

look at how gay i am!

btm whatever u want in life but at the end of the day...make sure u dun regret a single bit. not one single bit.

yours signing off feeling more gay than ever after watching my own video



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